
Papers & Patents

“Just Frank: My Life as an Intrepid Inventor,” autobiography by Franklin G. Reick, Full Court Press (2013).

“Flying the Stock Market: Pilot Your Dollars to Success,” by Franklin G. Reick and Bruce G. Siminoff (Author), Glenbridge Publishing (January 1997).

“Nobody’s That Stupid,” Bonanza Society Bulletin (he was prompted to writing the article after landing his Bonanza at Ramapo Valley Airport, with the landing gear retracted).

“Low Temperature Signal Detection in Optically Pumped Rubidium Vapor,” published in Journal of Applied Physics, November 1970.

“The Optical Whispering Mode of Polished Cylinders and Its Implication in Laser Technology”: published in Applied Optics, November 1965.

“Through a Glass Brightly,” published in Electronics, February 5, 1968.
